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Member Since 26 Oct 2005
Offline Jul 30 2006 09:13 PM

Topics I've Started

Interesting Conversation/Poll

05 May 2006 - 09:39 PM

Hello everyone, on May 5 Hidden Elf, BlazinDragon and I hosted a poll meeting for a general knowledge of average codexian cooperation skills and leader ratings. We came up with some helpful numbers and hope to do it again soon. Thanks to all the people that helped during the meeting. If you have any questions you can contact Hidden, Dragon, or I through Codex.

Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Codex peeps
Nightspear says:
Tetiel says:
Tetiel says:
Sakura says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Hey tet
Sakura says:
z0mg says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Hey sakura
Tetiel says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Ok, everyone gather; special Administator Meeting
z0mg says:
hey guys
Hidden.Elf says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
No, I'm joking
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
hey zomg (who the hell are you?)
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:

Sakura says:
I'm not an admin. o.o
Tetiel says:
z0mg says:
< Freak
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Tetiel says:
z0mg says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
<super awesome dude
z0mg says:
<insanely tired
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
*all the arrows are pointing to my screen*
Tetiel says:
Hidden.Elf says:
maybe he is just calling me a "special admin" <_<
Sakura says:
Mana, I must apologize, I think that was me with the scary kid. o.o
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
He's non responsive
Tetiel says:
I must say...
Tetiel says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
The Phone-Exhcnage thread. . .
Tetiel says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
I'd be surprised if he was asleep already xD
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Are any of you aware of the risks?
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Tetiel says:
I mean... I go out to dinner and I see 10 FREAKIN' PAGES!
Sakura says:
yes, but I don't really care
Tetiel says:
I went when it was just one!
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Even though Pyke and I may enjoy the stupidity of it; it's a risky thread...
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
I'll make them all rue it
Tetiel says:
oh heck.. that's why I wouldn't even post it in private...
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:

Tetiel says:
I'm too scared someone will give it to Zero and he'll use it to stalk me again or something
Hidden.Elf says:
now that you understand the risks, you can have blazin's number
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Tetiel says:
haha... I have his already
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Zeros kind of... insane
Tetiel says:
kind of?
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Well, take into consideration, the majority of these posting thier numbers are CHILDREN who's parents are not aware of their strange behavior in entrusting people at a random forum with such private information o.o.....
Tetiel says:
yeah... seriously... :\
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
He's toned down since he left codex
Tetiel says:
no he hasn't...
z0mg says:
if not the security issue.. what about the frikken long distance bills..
Tetiel says:
juju invited me into a convo with him
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Well to me at any rate 0_o
z0mg says:
dont we all live like light years away from each other
Hidden.Elf says:
its just an act
Sakura says:
really, they have to know when to take responsibility for themselves.
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
I've already heckeld him about his issue towards you tet
Tetiel says:
lesse... he called me a bitch and a whore.. oh yeah.. and he impersonated me on codex in the IP lockout
Nightspear says:
OK GUYS the point of this meeting is to select a new rank at CODEX THE FIRST TO TYPE TEN COMPLETE SENTENCES EANRNS THE RANK...READY...GO
z0mg says:
z0mg says:
z0mg says:
z0mg says:
z0mg says:
Tetiel says:
Sakura says:
complete, there. Yeah.
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
What is the rank again?
Tetiel says:
soooooo... who's night spear?
Nightspear says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
H.elfs friend
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
What's a sentence?
Tetiel says:
ah, I see
z0mg says:
whos mana?
Tetiel says:
a sentence is a type of cow
Nightspear says:
no...im a codexian...one that you all know but i wont say which one
Tetiel says:
you eat it
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
That's Hidden's friend in real-life lol.
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Oh by the way, I molested h.elf
Sakura says:
I thought it was a color that dogs camein
Tetiel says:
hmmm... you're...
Tetiel says:
you're... ummm... hmmm...
Nightspear says:
first to guess right wins
Hidden.Elf says:
btw searching his msn nick is cheating
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
hmm...you're....that....one kid
Tetiel says:
yeah! that one kid!
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Shoot I know who you are
Tetiel says:
maybe I should insult first
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
But I can't say
Tetiel says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:

z0mg says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Tetiel, watch your mouth
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:

Tetiel says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Tetiel says:
That was going too far
Sakura says:
Tetiel says:
I didn't mean to insult you THAT much
Hidden.Elf says:
nah, not really
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
That kid insulted Bahbuu <_<
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
And Dallas
Sakura says:
That kid insults humanity
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Tetiel says:
so does tarchy
Hidden.Elf says:
and blazin
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
But, Retired is for bitching; this is a contructive meeting
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
and me
Tetiel says:
HEY! Don't make Blazin even more modest!
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
I always insult humanity
Tetiel says:
He irritates me enough
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Im just like "Hey humanity, your moms fat!"
Hidden.Elf says:
yeah pyke, thats you
Tetiel says:
your FACE is fat! Burn!!!
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Hell no
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
...."you mama's so black, she leaves foot prints on a chalk board"...
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Im a skeleton child ^^
Sakura says:
Hidden.Elf says:
good to know
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
dragon your crazy
Tetiel says:
well we ALL know that
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Don't need a skin color o leave footprints
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
I was watching "YoMama" on MTV by accidnet
Nightspear says:
Alright guys listen up.
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
just really dirty feet xD
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
z0mg says:
that show is amazing
z0mg says:
Nightspear says:
We're going to rate the leaders of codex.
Tetiel says:
oh! yay!
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Erika = 27
Nightspear says:
All ranks will be recorded, btu not by name.
Nightspear says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
On a scale of one to ten h.elf is a beast in the sack
Tetiel says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
ROFL - Pyke
Nightspear says:
Hidden will be excluded.
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Beacause we know the result anyway?
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:

Nightspear says:
On a scale from 1-10, 10 beign the best.
Tetiel says:
SL helps looooooooads I shall say
Nightspear says:
Our first ratings
Hidden.Elf says:
If you rate me brad will eat you.
Nightspear says:
Tetiel says:
Bradley Boose!
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Tetiel says:
He helps too!
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Nightspear says:
post your number please.
Tetiel says:
He's mah buddy!
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Hydrogen = Not cool . . .
Tetiel says:
Brad - 10 because he likes cheese
Nightspear says:
ok one 10...
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
SHsuh tet brads not admin, we can't rate him
Tetiel says:
damn >_>
Tetiel says:
Ali!!! D:
Nightspear says:
nobody else is rating?
Tetiel says:
Ali says she doesn't do anything though xD
Sakura says:
Nightspear says:
We have a 7
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
dro I give a 8 or a 9
Tetiel says:
SL - 10 because he's crazy
Tetiel says:
he does... like... everything
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
sl gets a 10 from me as well
Nightspear says:
An 8.5
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:

Nightspear says:
we're working on hydrogen
Tetiel says:
Nightspear says:
any more entries?
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Dro would get a ten easy
Tetiel says:
umm... he's helpful and always responds! But he's never here! I don't know what to rate! AHHHHHHH!
Tetiel says:
bah... 8
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
But he's to nice
Tetiel says:
he issssss!
Hidden.Elf says:
next up
Nightspear says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
so 9
Nightspear says:
Nightspear says:
is next
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Next is Rare Dare Devil
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Tetiel says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Tetiel says:
Tetiel says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
you can't answer
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:

Nightspear says:
please place your numbers
Hidden.Elf says:
he gets a 10 from me
Tetiel says:
he's not a leader!
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
14 from me
Tetiel says:
...not anymore
Sakura says:
Hidden.Elf says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Amazing Programmer
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Is that who nightspear is?
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Tetiel says:
he's a monkey in disguise!
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
That's George Bush Tetiel ...sheesh -.-
Nightspear says:
This is a test not only on scores but on member knowledge, please answer as fitting.
Tetiel says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
AUS is next o.o...
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
RDD was a good guy, excellent programmer however had some issues with anger I found
Nightspear says:
ok, thankyou
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Why don't we ask Shadow for his rating of RDD ...
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Tetiel says:
Nightspear says:
Alright guys any more ratings on RDD?
Tetiel says:
Nightspear says:
Tetiel says:
don't know the guy, Can't vote really
Nightspear says:
Nightspear says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
AUS = 10 million
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
For when he was here I'd say a 9
Sakura says:
Never knew AUS
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
He likes Ninja's Pyke. . .
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
and His name is Peter ^-^
Tetiel says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Superb dude, and an awesome programmer
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
AUS was an amazing programmer
Hidden.Elf says:
he brought :nana: to codex
Tetiel says:
don't know him. Can't vote >_<
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
First to create programs in C++ for us right?
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
What was it dragon that he made again that was all super duper to the programming community?
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
And almost every single one was a Retired Program
Hidden.Elf says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
He made something outside of codex didn't he?
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
EzMoneyTree was amazingly fast o.o
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Proximotoron I believe
Nightspear says:
Ok again thankyou for your imput
Sakura says:
everyone here is aware that I'm not retired?
Nightspear says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Sakura says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:

Nightspear says:
Tetiel says:
Sakura says:
Okay, just...don't get me in trouble.
Sakura says:

[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
It dosen't matter if you're retired
Hidden.Elf says:

Tetiel says:
Hey hey hey!
Sakura says:
Yes, but I think a retired program was just listed.
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Stephanie is still a dork, and we allow her here -.-
Nightspear says:
Again this test is helpful for leadership ratings, focus, and member knowledge.
Tetiel says:
You are soooo much worse
Hidden.Elf says:
since you aren't retired I need to ban you now!
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
It's not there anymore; so don't worry
Sakura says:
Tetiel says:
okay! 6!
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
noits a cool guy, funny to chat with as well
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Sakura says:
Noit? 7, and I would like to switch my number for Hydro to 8
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Noitidart is a loser; and dosen't want to be announced publicaly as my slave <_<....
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Because when he's opposed on an issue he becomes insane to cope with
Hidden.Elf says:
its good that he always thinks before he posts
Tetiel says:
you're my slave, bitch
Nightspear says:
ok hydro's number will be switched
Tetiel says:

[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
And he called me at 10 on a school night...shame
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Thats not really late...
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Shut up pyke
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:

Tetiel says:
it is for that lazy bum!
Nightspear says:
Ok next up.
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Are you tucked in by your mommy at 9:30 dragon?
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
No; by your mum actually..
Nightspear says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:

Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
How did I see that coming
Tetiel says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
ali gets an 8
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
I watch too much TV....*sorry brandon*
Tetiel says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
smart, witty, clear headed, but a little distant
Tetiel says:
Alikins! *hugs*
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Ali gets a 42
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Sakura says:
Ali also gets an 8 from me
Tetiel says:
Alikins gets hugs
Nightspear says:
ok thankyou
Nightspear says:
our next candidate
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:

Nightspear says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Tetiel says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
We already rated slinky right?
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
brads smod xD
Tetiel says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
we are going through all them as well?
Sakura says:
SL gets a 10, no questions about that
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
GlobalModerators are still leaders
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
SL does not get a ten
Tetiel says:
yesh. SL=10
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
I won't rate brad
Nightspear says:
guys we are not doing SL atm
Nightspear says:
Brad for now please.
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Slinky gets a 7; beacause it's lucky...duh -.-
Tetiel says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
He's my peer and I have huge amounts of respoect for him
Tetiel says:
Brad is a 10
Tetiel says:
by far
Sakura says:
Brad is a 9.9
Tetiel says:
*nod nod* Mr. Boose ish yay!
Nightspear says:
ok good
Nightspear says:
Nightspear says:
Tetiel says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Seeing as this is a completly arbritary; random "rating" ; I'm giving completly arbitrary responses ^-^
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Sakura says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:

[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Hidden.Elf says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Tetiel says:
Tetiel says:
but really... 10
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Hidden.Elf says:
its 1-10 so you ose
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Hidden.Elf says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
there's one more o.o
Nightspear says:
Thankyou for your time guys, this closes our meeting and has informed Codex with some much needed information, I would like to specialy thank Hidden and Blazin for their help in monitering, do you two have anything to say?
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Tetiel says:
Tetiel says:
YEAH! Who are you >_>
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
What about dal and rob as well
Tetiel says:
yeah! yeah!
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
It's someone we're not allowed to talk about
Nightspear says:
It would ruin the tests put on you guys.
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Tetiel says:
Nightspear says:
Not all the major names wer ementioned on purpose.
Nightspear says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
I'll disclose that information when I've been given the proper authority in due time.
Nightspear says:
Hidden any closing statments?
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Or any "words" at that?
Hidden.Elf says:
Hidden.Elf says:
not really
Nightspear says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Just say a word
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
even Herpes would do
Nightspear says:
thankyou again guys, meeting closed
Tetiel says:
Nightspear says:
feel free to stick around if you would like
Tetiel says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Tetiel says:
though I must call Gene soon
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Oh, say Hi to Gene *cough* my slave *cough*; for me, please...^-^
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Bleh I can't believe its 2 here
Hidden.Elf says:
Blazin, you have been given the authority to reveal his identity.
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
. . . .
Nightspear says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
He's... nightspear
Nightspear says:
You have not
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
NightSpear is
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Well, any guesses?
Tetiel says:
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
he's nightspear
Tetiel says:
Tetiel says:
Tetiel says:
Tetiel says:
Tetiel says:
a hippo?
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
Sakura says:
Powerpack66. *nods*
Tetiel says:
obviously Lemonblood
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Powerpack....how do you know him Amy? lol
Tetiel says:
Ummmm... hmmmmmmmmm...
Tetiel says:
just tell us >_>
Sakura says:
I have my ever so shifty ways...
Tetiel says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
Hidden.Elf says:
I remember busting that kid's ass for spamming
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
[ D R A G O N S L A Y E R ] says:
And he actually became an adminsitrator
Tetiel says:
Nightspear says:
Alright guys thanks again, see you later
Tetiel says:
Tetiel says:
tell tell! ;_;
Pyke- Insert pun here. says:
later night