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Member Since 06 Feb 2013
Offline Nov 06 2013 12:48 PM

Topics I've Started

Hello! Back to Neopets after many years.

12 March 2013 - 04:42 PM

Hello to everyone,


It's been years and my old account is now 12 years old, but sadly, Neopets implemented some birthday thing & I pretty much used a fake birthday cause I was young back then and was afraid to put my real infos. Now I can't really access that account anymore and started up a new one.


I actually signed up on this site a month ago while I stumbled upon info on Abrosia while googling some tips on how to RS (manually), since RSing at the book store was getting a bit dry. I'm not sure what about this game is so addicting, I'm not too crazy over the mini games for money (except a few such as meerca chase!), and I've always had more fun making money by restocking.


Anyways, I'm rambling.
You guys seem like a nice crowd. After a month of using Ambrosia, I finally decided to drop a line and say hi and thanks for this awesome program! :)