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Member Since 04 Mar 2013
Offline Jun 02 2013 03:57 PM

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In Topic: So why do YOU cheat?

08 March 2013 - 02:34 PM

I suspect you probably misunderstand how people tend to use our programs. For example, you appear to be under the misapprehension that everybody is autobuying at supersonic speeds grabbing every profitable item which restocks and so leaving nothing for legit restockers or that legit restockers have no way to compete with the speeds. In reality, however, people using our autobuyer have an average buy speed of 2.3 seconds from seeing the item restock which is actually not that quick and can be easily beaten playing legitimately (try it yourself, it's not difficult to beat those speeds). We also intentionally slow down the programs by making it so non-Advanced members can only have a minimum refresh rate of 8 seconds which further restricts their efficacy. Not everything is as cut-and-dried as you seem to think. ;)


The main benefit comes from saving time and not having to sit there bashing buttons rather than anything superhuman.

Actually, I had a pretty good idea of how abers worked before this thread - as I said, I had lurked on these boards occasionally in the past, and much of that was in looking through some of the cheat programs offered and how they worked. Morbid curiousity, I suppose, was the motivation for that. I do realize that abing is not the death of legit restockers, but it is a very difficult competitor (especially when there is someone with high refresh rates in a shop, or maybe multiple abers at once. Sometimes things just go so fast that it's hard to imagine it being anything but an aber).


I really don't see the point in putting hours and hours of effort doing the same boring, repetitive task, and getting physical sores and pains (eye strains/joint and finger pains/stuff like that) into an online pet dress up site which probably won't be here in five years. Hell, it might get taken down tomorrow or next week for all we know :V Losing my time and effort for a second time wouldn't feel all that great, ya know? Then again, I don't really run the programs all that often since all I do on the site now is doing my dailies, seeing what sort of stupid posts are on the boards, what stupid shit TNT has done this time and now playing solitaire/pyramids, if I remember the site exists in the first place hahah


But OP, at the end of the day there isn't all that much of a difference between a legitimate player and one who uses programs. Both will get and miss items from a shop since both have an equal chance to start with (like Laser said, using an ABer doesn't instantly guarantee that you get every single item you want ever that's that nothing for legit players), both will get an amount of NP from games and both have the same chance of getting the highest score/trophy, or low score, and both have an equal chance of getting frozen. It's just when you're using programs, you're able to do more productive things at the same time. If you do happen to get frozen then you don't get thoughts like "wow all that time spent RSing I could have been doing my coursework/gone food shopping/getting laid" :p


I get that legitimate restockers can still compete with abers, to some degree anyway (though that's a necessity rather than a kindness from cheaters, if you DID restock too fast, you'd get iced). The difference being that the cheaters are not actually playing the game, but reaping the same or better results. It's not even a matter of jealousy at that point, but a matter of the work of a legit restocker not being properly rewarded. If for every legit item a restocker gets, he/she misses another one that was snatched up before him by an aber, then this legit player is rewarded by half for his/her rightful efforts, and all due to someone who barely lifted a finger for it. And yes, you can, like so many others, say "why should I care?", and it's true, why should you? That's where your morality has to come into play, and if it doesn't then be willing to admit that you're cheating and doing so at the expense of legitimate players.


I cheat because it is just a GAME in the end. It is a game and if it is no longer fun then there is no point. When I have no neopoints, it is not fun. I see no issue with cheating on an online game when it doesn't hurt anyone or steal real money from people. I don't need to justify it to me or you.


If a game is no longer fun, then stop playing, duh. Why stick around and cheat, and ruin it for those that do still enjoy it?

I also feel like you can just as easily flip your argument around and it would still be valid: I play legitimately because it is just a GAME, why cheat and ruin it for others? (especially since it's a family friendly game)


As other people have stated, it's harmless. I mean, I think it would be pretty immoral if you were to say, sell your illegitimately obtained NPs for real money, but if you keep the virtual currency within the virtual community, I see nothing wrong of it.


Why are you drawing your moral line at that particular spot? To you, one is harmless but the other is pretty immoral, to a legit player both are just as immoral. I would agree that the sort of cheating that this site condones is less harmful than scamming or hacking, for sure. But I completely disagree that it is harmless, and it is still against the rules in a pretty meaningful way.


I played completely legitimately both as a kid and as a college student until my last main was frozen just for mentioning this site in a Neomail to a friend who was asking for a price checker.


I pretty much decided "fuck this" at that point. Especially because you can get frozen or silenced merely for TONE on the boards also.

I feel for you, I can't imagine that I would not be tempted if I lost my account, which has years of work put into it. I still feel that it is a bit of an easy way out, and a moral lapse, but it is one that I can't guarantee that I wouldn't also choose.

I suppose there is no chance of you getting your account back, explaining that you were just using the price checker? It seems like a fickle thing to completely ice for, considering the potential to use this site as a legit resource.


because im immature and want everything i couldnt have when i was younger

At least you're honest about it, kudos. :)


I can't remember if I've already posted on here or not, but after a while of playing legitimately I found how HARD it was to actually get anything accomplished on Neo. With popular items being 10mil plus and me earning about 1-3k from each game I played there seemed to be no end to my saving in sight. So I started using an ABer and such. Buying/selling pets....never scamming, just getting things easier.


-Honestly I don't know how TNT expects 5k+ people to fight over the same 1-2 popular/rare items that restock in a shop. - w -


Well, you took the easy way out, and compromised some morals in the process. If this is a choice you're okay with, then who am I to argue? But there are other options to making nps. Reselling is good. Food club/stock market are slightly slower, but also good and very quick/easy. NQ2 is pretty fun (in my opinion) and completing insane has a good chance of some top notch items. Restocking, even if you're not good, is viable - there ARE shops where pretty profitable items stock in bulk, so even slower restockers can snag one or two at a time. Investing or speculating can be very profitable and very quick, if you're good.

Also, there is not 5k+ people restocking at one time, especially not in a single shop. There is rarely much over 10k people online at any given time, and with the amount of activities that the site offers, I highly doubt half of them are restocking. There are times when it honestly seems like there may only be a handful of people, even in the most popular shops.


I actually haven't done anything (yet), but I see no other way to obtain dream pets - UCs, without cheating. I lack the time and talent to RSing, and I could never accumulate the millions needed to offer a custom to trade for one, and even then they don't even go for customs these days.


As stated directly above (2 paragraphs up), there are other viable ways to make nps. Cheating is the easy way out, which is unfortunately very tempting.

(Missed these on the previous page)

I cheat to keep up with the competition. I don't live in America, and my internet speed is very slow. Even with Abrosia it's very hard to get some good items, I usually only get 2-3 good ones a day. The country I live in has one of the worst internet connections and they are known for it as well.


So the bottom line is, I think that if you ask us, why we cheat, we each have our own reasons... I'm not a psychic or a mind reader, but this really seems to be upsetting you. If it bothers you so much, how on earth do you deal with real life things where not everything is candy and rainbows either?


I was on neo for 6 years before I started cheating btw, and do not feel one little bit bad about it.


An average restocker doesn't manage, on average, 2-3 good items per day. Does this mean you should ab less, since you're not just keeping up but actually cheating beyond your perceived disadvantage?

As far as me being upset by it - it isn't upsetting me in any profound way, but I'll admit it is a little. I didn't come here being naive and hopeful that I would find candy and rainbows. I'm not here mulling about it and whining because I'm hoping it will make me feel better though. I'm just curious about the motives, curious about where they stand compared to the motives I had for being curious about cheating. I'm finding that many people are more in denial than they'd probably like to admit about how they've had to compromise their morals, and how they are actually doing something harmful.


I cheat through the bits that are ridiculously time-consuming and require little more than me sitting here hammering away at the same series of keys over and over again. You'll notice the only thing I mentioned was the games not being fun and the plots not being enjoyable to solve*; hardly 'every aspect' of Neopets. I work full time and when I get home, I don't especially like finding out that the best and easiest (legitimate) way to get something I want is to devote all my free time to clicking my mouse (or pushing three keys) X number of times with very little visual or audial feedback and almost no entertainment value (the battledome in particular doesn't even feel like a win-or-lose situation, it just feels like click click click result).


I like character design and some small part of me enjoys the childishness of it all, and I'm exactly the type of dork that will play dress-up with my pets until the cows come home. Unfortunately, feeding my dorkiness requires doing things I hate doing when I'm getting paid to do it. I also like having an excuse to come back and see how Codex is doing and how many people I still remember.


I also spent almost a year not playing Neopets before this plot started, so there's the answer to your question.


*The vast majority of the time. I actually really enjoyed figuring out the bits of the Faeries' Ruin, even though the account I did all that hard work on got frozen later for a stupid score send.


I appreciate the response. I don't agree with everything, naturally, but at least you've explained it fully, so thanks for that.

In Topic: So why do YOU cheat?

05 March 2013 - 10:36 AM

No. That is the reason I created an account, yes. But I have been on this site before, using the item database or scrolling through forums. If not now, I likely would have created an account at one point or another, for one reason or another.

I am not here to witch hunt, I am just curious. As stated in the first post, I am not beyond temptation as far as cheating goes, but I resisted - so I'm trying to grasp why some of you would not resist and go forward with it. I am not entirely anti-cheating either, I just feel that consequences should be considered when doing so (and not just to yourself, but to others as well). That is why I actually do respect this community, as you guys have taken a firm stance against scamming/hacking/etc.

In Topic: So why do YOU cheat?

05 March 2013 - 10:26 AM

So where is this discussion supposed to be heading? I think the last time we had a similar thread it just ended up with people saying why they cheat and then the thread creator trying to counter everyone with the morals thing. It didn't go very far.

Honestly, the main purpose is just as asked: I'm wondering WHY people cheat; how they justify it. I guess, as far as replying and countering people, I feel the need to do that if I feel they are fooling themselves into thinking they are doing nothing wrong. I guess it comes down to wanting people to be accountable to their actions, and to realize that they are, in one way or another, harming others and the site.


The real question is why should I care about the "victims"?


No, the question is still 'why do you cheat', but asking a question back is fair. If you don't care about the victims as it stands, then I don't believe there is any way to make you care. There's no sob stories here, no dying grandmas or starving children at the other end of the screen that you're stealing from (well, okay, there actually MIGHT be, but they aren't going to die or starve more from your actions). It's just other regular people trying to have fun, and if you don't have any compassion or respect for them, then it's beyond me to instill that on you.


Because very few of the games are fun, even less so are they fun enough to warrant playing them a billion times over to legitimately obtain $obscene_amount in order to get the shiny digital prize that I personally want. Even if nobody else was cheating, this remains true and a problem, so I don't have the least amount of remorse in cheating my way through that. If the games were actually enjoyable to play or the plots were enjoyable to solve on my own or whatever, it'd be another story entirely, but that's almost never the case.


Okay, so maybe this is just one of those things that you never really stopped to think about, but from your comment... I'm trying to figure out why you even bother playing neopets if you hate pretty much all aspects of it? What's the point in obtaining that shiny digital prize, if it's in an environment that you can't stand anyway?


I don't use Abrosia, or any of the programs. I can't say I am 100% legit because I utilize the buy/sell forums to trade NC/NP/Pets.
On occasion I have used the programs in the program manager for various reasons, but the main reason I don't cheat (using the programs) is because I don't need to, and because I don't want to be frozen. My primary reason for staying with Codex is the community.


I respect this. I mean, you're cheating a bit, but it's a fairly victimless aspect of the site. And you're well aware of your actions and the consequences.


I personally don't feel like I'm cheating anyone... rather, I feel like I am able to keep up with the competition and no longer at a disadvantage.

For countries that are far away from TNT servers in America and have slower internet in comparison, Abrosia is the only way to keep up.

I acknowledge I am cheating according to TNT's T&C... but I could not care less about that.

If you think I am cheating other American users (or whoever else has super fast buying speed), then think again... I am only using Abrosia to gain the same speed they have by default. If I weren't using it, they would be the ones with the unfair advantage.


This is a slippery slope argument. America (and this goes for all of North America) has pretty slow internet speeds in general, compared to a lot of other places in the world. So, does that mean Americans should be able to cheat, too, to make up for THAT unfair advantage? Or what about within North America... anyone not living in Kansas City (where the lucky bums get google fibe) can justify cheating because they're stuck with their crummy old non-google internet, so they have to compensate. I'm sure everyone could find a similair reason to cheat with very little effort.


Because I get all the bitches with my trophies.


Can't argue with that, carry on in your noble pursuit!

Why do I cheat? Well... I got a real-life and can't hang around all day long trying to get those few NP I need to get <random thing I want atm> (mostly BD stuff), so instead of feeding some reseller or RSer I fire up my ABer and RS the item I want myself (and for that stuff I only go for that item in the shops I go to).


And I generally AB with so high buy times that you'd cry if you'd see them (sometimes >10s :p); even a legit-RS newcomer that's half-asleep can do better than this. So: I don't feel like I cause any victims because if there'd be someone that'd hang out in those boring shops at the time I do, he'd get the stuff I get :p

I'm glad you're at least lowering your settings by that much, and as a legit restocker I appreciate it! You're still cheating, but you're definitely doing it a lot more fairly. Kudos.


peer pressure from this forums forced me to it's not my fault   :ph34r:


Honestly speaking? I've experienced so many losses(hacks do something about it tdn) throughout my entire playthrough that there's literally no motivation whatsoever to keep going. The fact that so many of us are staying on a site that still uses flash graphics just reflects the irony of the whole thing, that without neocodex so many of us would just pack up and go. 


I don't find my conscious being disturbed since i've suffered misses as well. Should I be angry and feel 'morally upset' that someone was just 'better' (or ab) when i don't get what I want? Nope, I simply move on to another day.

Well, if you've experienced misses while cheating, you have no right to feel angry. You're cheating, after all. There is no reason whatsoever to feel morally upset, even IF it's a case of someone being a better cheater than you. Be thankful that you aren't iced.

In Topic: So why do YOU cheat?

04 March 2013 - 04:19 PM

I feel like the debate whether or not people have been victimized by Abrosia has already resolved with "fuck it, discussing this isn't worth our time" in a thread over a year old.


I did look back a number of pages, and saw nothing. If it was a year ago, then it predated my visiting this site (I have only just registered, and have visited as a guest only within the last few months, and sparingly at that). Feel free to fuck it and not discuss, but it seems that others are discussing just fine.

IEssentially it comes down to how you personally define a victim. I don't care about trophies or avatars myself so I don't regard missing out on either of those as being a victim. As for restocking, if we're using your definition then you could also say that legit restockers who don't live in America are victims of the latency difference which makes it more difficult to get good items compared with North American users. ;)


Outside factors are not exactly comparable to blatant cheating. I mean, there are so many that you could bring into play, but none of them are reasonable to consider as unfair advantages. And just because you don't care about certain goals, doesn't mean that others don't. And if your actions, through cheating, are preventing someone else from obtaining their goals, then quite simply they are a victim. It is your prerogative to keep victimizing them at that point, but the fact remains that they ARE a victim.


Except this is the internet so it doesn't matter if you use a car in a footrace. As long as you reach the finish, correct? The person on foot should, with determination, reach the finish line too. The only difference is that the person on foot can't get in trouble, where you can get in trouble and you are already aware of the consequences.


/e to clarify this a little more: You are saying that this is a race, but there is no race. We set goals for ourselves, so it's more of a matter of what you are willing to do and how long you want to take to reach your goals. I understand that you're saying we are stopping people from reaching their goals, but we aren't. If anything we are helping make them the elite, because they will need to increase their gaming, RSing, etc. skills to succeed. The ones who really want to succeed without cheating will get better because they can't progress in the game if they don't.

It was an analogy, so it is not exactly strictly a race with a defined finish line, and only one winner. But it is a game where neopoints are the main 'prize' or means to attain most final goals. So, cheaters are using unfair advantages to obtain the main 'prize', and in doing so are slowing down the legitimate players from obtaining theirs. As far as the race analogy goes, it means that legitimate players might be able to finish in the top 100, much slower and much worse than if there was no cheating, where they should have been able to finish in the top 10. The argument that cheaters are helping people obtain their goals by autobuying things from under their noses is flimsy, and I hope I don't even have to argue that one.


The farmer who produces 200 heads of lettuce per year because he uses hand-tools to harvest his crops is hardly becoming a victim of a large business that uses machinery for the same task and produces 200k heads of lettuce.  He's chosen not to invest anything in R&D, for which he pays in our nice Capitalist system :).

Except the large business putting money into R&D and producing far above the poor farmer is not doing anything illegal (presumably). The farmer gets the amount of profit and gain from his crops that he rightfully deserves, with the amount of effort and investment that he puts into it. I wish this is how neopets was, then the legit restockers would be the ones rolling in 200k heads of lettuce while the poor cheaters would wallow with their mere 200 :p.

In Topic: So why do YOU cheat?

04 March 2013 - 03:16 PM

So the distinction between scamming and cheating is clear, and I agree
that scamming is worse and respect that this site upholds that
distinction. But I disagree with the statements that some of these
methods are victimless. Getting on a high scores chart illegitimately
and bumping a legitimate player makes that player a victim. You are
preventing this person from obtaining a trophy/avatar, or if we're
nitpicking, that extra 200 or whatever neopoints per day (yeah, minor
issue). Autobuying is not literally stealing anything from anyone, but
it is preventing a legitimate restocker, who is putting in time and
effort, from obtaining something. It's akin to winning a footrace by
driving a car to the finish line - sure, you're not actually knocking
the player over or stealing anything that they own, but you're stealing
the win from the person using an illegal and unfair advantage, a win
that this person would have (potentially) otherwise obtained themselves.

So we get to the issue that a few brought up, if you can't beat them then
join them. Or, adapt or die. That is the only thing that really tempts
me. The fact that it's easier? Sure, but I'm willing to put in the
effort, and have been. I'm a pretty capable restocker as it is, but
can't even fathom how much more succesful I would be at it if I wasn't
getting beaten by autobuyers.

Then there's those of you who are just lazy bums :p I've got nothing to counter that, being lazy is damn tempting sometimes.