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Member Since 04 Mar 2013
Offline Jun 02 2013 03:57 PM

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So why do YOU cheat?

04 March 2013 - 01:20 PM

Why do you cheat, how do you justify it to yourself? That is, assuming that you do cheat, but I assume a fair majority of the users on this site do (if you don't, feel free to explain why you decided not to!)

I am actually curious. I am a legit player, but I see the temptation in some of the methods of cheating - but I have decided that I will not give in. I may change my mind someday, and hopefully it will be for a good reason. I assume that there have been others that have gone through a similair internal dilemma before deciding to give in and start autobuying/playing/etc. So, what's your story? Especially in terms of the methods that are not victimless (i.e. score senders bumping legit scores, autobuyers competing with legit restockers), which I assume would require the greatest moral appeasing.