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Member Since 10 Apr 2013
Offline May 01 2013 07:02 PM

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In Topic: Score Sender

30 April 2013 - 11:51 AM

First of all: Happy child's day!!! Actually i'm 22 but i'm still a child :3 


Anyway, let's get into bussisnes. I'm very, veeeery happy with sLAUGHTER's SS, but i've a question: can i run 2 or more SSers at the time?? I've tried by double running with the program manager, but it say's: "The program is already running". 


So, it's possible?? If it is, how should i do it?? By opening a new program manager?? Thanks in advance.


BTW: It's my first post so i'm proud to be a part of Neocodex from now on :3