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Member Since 20 May 2013
Offline Jun 24 2013 11:53 AM

Topics I've Started


15 June 2013 - 09:11 AM

I'd like to suggest a new option on Abrosia: the possibility of buying things from users shops, e.g.: I want to buy many Old Rotten Left Boot, so I put the item's name, the price I'd like to pay, and Abrosia buys for me (and maybe, discard for me too) :p It'll be great to get rubbish avvie

Hi! :)

20 May 2013 - 03:10 PM

Hello, I'm Imperial and I'm from Brazil. I am 16.


I love IPB Forums, have used IPB since 2010, and also have been admin is some cheating forums (not Neopets forums, but Grand Chase, PangYa, and others :p )


Now, I'm currently a little addicted to Neopets, and I'm seeking an easy way to earn NPs, and found Abrosia xD


I have a little experience with Delphi and C/C++, and I'm currently working on robots made with ARDUINO (Wikipedia).


Love building robots, and also, I'm traveling to Australia next month due to a Robotics Championship! :p


That's it, just introducing me! :)