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Member Since 15 Jul 2013
Offline Nov 20 2013 07:12 PM

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In Topic: Array of Bytes [How to]

29 July 2013 - 10:16 AM

I shall try to answer this question.


Are you certain you did a "New Scan" and not a "Next Scan"? I just tried Freaky Factory and it worked perfectly well.


At first I tried "New Scan", because that was the same process I did for the first codes, but nothing happened. I did try "Next Scan" a few times just for sake of seeing if it would work, but neither scan will give me an address after I input  the first code.

In Topic: Array of Bytes [How to]

15 July 2013 - 05:33 PM

Thanks for the response!


That is the process I use for google chrome, yes. Go to memory, find the plugin number, convert to hex, and search for that in the process list. I have that down I know for sure. I feared that the Mac was probably the problem since I couldn't find an answer to it


I have been making due with only 1 code games, but for games like Freaky Factory it's hard to just use 1 code and get the avatar / a trophy ( I heard it can still be difficult with all 3). So I've been on the lookout for the most valuable AoB in a set.


So if I run windows from bootcamp I should be just fine with more than 1 AoB? I might have to do that then, although it is a little inconvenient as long as I can get it to work I can't complain really. 

In Topic: Array of Bytes [How to]

15 July 2013 - 01:58 PM

I've only been using AoB for a few days, and after reading all the guides I can grasp it pretty well, but I'm encountered a problem that none of the guides I've read have answered/addressed and that is how to input more than one set of codes. Games like Freaky Factory and Itchy Invasion have more than 1 set of code to use and I was wondering how you input them. 


More specifically, I select the process to change (I know it's the right one because I've been AoB one code games successfully), Select "Array of Bytes", enter the remove thief code for freaky factory, scan, and change the value of the address to the second code. Now when I copy the "waste never goes up" code and scan for it I get no results for an address. So I thought the codes were the problem, but they aren't since I can run them individually just fine, but not all at once. 


I searched for a way around this and found the master cheat table list which had the codes on them already so I downloaded it and opened it. When I go to freaky factory, I click the box next to it, and the 3 codes come up and there is a red X in the Freaky Factory box in the activated column. When I try to activate the codes themselves, nothing happens (no red X pops up) but the codes are there, they just won't activate.


After that, I tried bit slicer, but I have the same exact problem. I scan 1 code, replace, then search for another and they never show addresses for them. I'm really lost as to what to try next. I'm sorry if the solution is really obvious but I can't find a solution for it in any guide I read. 


I"m using a Mac if that helps, and I've tried both Google Chrome and Safari but they give me the same results.