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Member Since 20 Nov 2013
Offline Jan 16 2016 09:14 AM

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In Topic: ValorSuite (MSAB, ShapeShifter Solver, Auction Sniper, Kad Feeder, Money Tree...

01 December 2013 - 08:26 PM

There isn't a main shop auto buyer in here.

Thanks for the info. I thought that's what the AAA auto-buyer was. I seen the USAB, but I thought there was a difference between the two.

In Topic: ValorSuite (MSAB, ShapeShifter Solver, Auction Sniper, Kad Feeder, Money Tree...

01 December 2013 - 08:14 PM

It'll pick the shop itself if you're using the USAB.

I'm using the auto buyer for the main shops. I know how to use Ambrosia, but setting this one up is way different.

In Topic: ValorSuite (MSAB, ShapeShifter Solver, Auction Sniper, Kad Feeder, Money Tree...

01 December 2013 - 03:46 PM

I have just started using Valorous a little while ago, and I have a noob question. I have added my list to the auto-buyer, but do I have to select which shop it goes into, or does it do that on its own?