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Member Since 07 Feb 2014
Offline Feb 09 2014 05:10 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Hello there. =]

07 February 2014 - 02:21 PM

Welcome to Codex :) I'm Kau.

Hey Kau! :) Thank you. I'm Diouke, nice to meet you.

In Topic: Hello there. =]

07 February 2014 - 02:03 PM

Welcome! I'm from Belgium :D

Haha nice, Thank you. :)

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

07 February 2014 - 11:23 AM

Awww Mine didn't change at all.. Too bad, tomorrow more luck hopefully. ;D

In Topic: Hello there. =]

07 February 2014 - 11:12 AM

Ik kom uit Engeland!


Whereabouts? I've visited Amsterdam a few times now.


Engeland? Cool! That's awesome. I love England.


Amsterdam is nice, I like to go there sometimes. I live in province North-Holland a few hours away from Amsterdam.

In Topic: Hello there. =]

07 February 2014 - 11:00 AM

Welcome! Where are you from?


:neocodex:  :yahoo:

Thank you! I'm from The Netherlands. What about you?