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Member Since 04 May 2014
Offline Dec 04 2020 05:22 PM

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In Topic: Hey, you!

05 May 2014 - 07:14 AM

hey, @Caique. i'm stuck. welcome to codex! :) i'm always impressed with young programmers like you. i never seem to grasp programming at all lol. btw, feel free to ask anything. :)

haha, I learned to program younger, around 16 yo, i guess. Its cool and open your head to other things. I recommend.


Welcome to Neocodex, follow portuguese speaker! :hi:


Não hesite em perguntar, se surgir alguma dúvida. ^_^

Opa, pelo que vi nos outros tópicos de boas vindas você é a unica ativa no forum que fala portugues, rs.

Pode deixar ;)


Hello! Don't worry, apparently we are a bunch of ASL on the forum, so one will beat you for your english XD


In Topic: Auto adopter

05 May 2014 - 07:09 AM

Thanks for the contribution. Open source is always good for individuals to customise the program. How's your testing results for this program so far?

For post here I modificate some things.

But the program is working perfectly, i just need turn it "beautiful", haha. I'm disorganized.


To test if the program is working i basically wore fopen(); e fwrite(); to register all pets that the script see in a .txt, and when the script see a pet that I chose, I can see him in my account ;) (I have to remember to leave my account with neopoints)

And I added a "sleep(1);" to turn it more "normal" to TNT, but I'm not sure about this time, maybe it can be little.




I'm surprised with the form that neopets catch the pets of pound, it's in a json. Is like "Hey programmers, here is the json, do what you want".

In Topic: Auto adopter

04 May 2014 - 10:40 PM

I think they have an auto adopter in the Program Manager... Although I don't use it, so I'm not sure how different it is from yours, if at all.

But thanks for sharing! ^.^ Maybe people will get good use out of it.

Oh, I didn't see it. I use linux and cannot download the program manager.

BTW, the mine is open source, haha.