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Member Since 06 Dec 2005
Offline Oct 14 2006 03:40 AM

Topics I've Started

Windows XP Product Key

05 October 2006 - 03:54 PM

So, I want to reformat and I just found my windows xp CD but dont have the product key. What can I do?

IP address help please

05 October 2006 - 02:26 PM

Im not sure if this is the section to post it, but it is neo-related in some way smile.gif

My ISP person said I have a dynamic IP but my IP dont even change at all. I asked to have it changed and he said it will cost me an extra $30 a month (to change to a static ip). I went to IP testing sites like cmyip.com, whatismyip.com and showmyip.com. The first two sites showed that Im using proxy and each time I disconnect that ip changes. The last site showed my 'real' ip and never changes. So Im a bit confused about this, am I static or dynamic ip?

I have no idea what it is, because I get frozen everynight from neo lol. IF i have a dynamic ip, WHY am I getting frozen everynight? I dont use any cheat programs and am totally legit. I have cheated before and i believe i also got ip banned. If i have a dynamic ip, do they someitmes give you the same ip once in a while? If they do, i'll get ip banned right?
It must be some kind of ip ban but I need to know which one i have, dynamic or static

I *think* i have dynamic ip but most sites I go to it shows the SAME ip everytime, can someone explain this please?

Can somebody go to showmyip.com and scroll down till you see 'Proxy IP Address:'
What does this mean? Thats the IP i always see and it never get changed. Is that the ip neo reads?
At the top of the page of showmyip.com, the ip changes everytime i reconnect.

So yeah, Im looking for someone to answer my questions, it would be really appreciated

How do you know you are IP banned?

03 October 2006 - 12:53 PM

I just got chain iced for 'autobuying' and I want to use my cousins account as my main. I want to make sure because I dont want to lose that account.