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Member Since 28 Dec 2015
Offline Dec 30 2015 06:12 PM

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In Topic: How do I update the database?

30 December 2015 - 12:10 PM

Non-ub items are updated by Abrosia, which does so in the background while you're runningit and by Neon AP when you price your shop. The prices in he database are not the lowest an item will sell for, so they can be off sometimes.
Ub items can only be updated by those with over 500 posts, so you could be adv+, but if you don't have 500+ posts you won't be able to update the prices. The title of the price update thread is misleading that way.


Ya I just looked up the item, and for some reason it just spiked in value to something ridiculous but when I look it up all the prices are basically 1:1 of what you pay for from the shop. Just thought it was kinda odd, but its not a problem at all! Just new at this game/program, so I just wanted to clarify. Thanks :)

In Topic: How do I update the database?

29 December 2015 - 10:37 PM

Ah unfortunate.. Oh well thanks anyway :)