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Member Since 24 Jun 2006
Offline Sep 04 2006 07:48 PM

Topics I've Started

Interesting Signature

04 September 2006 - 07:49 PM

will be cool when done smile.gif

Request Please

28 August 2006 - 03:07 AM

Hi, I requested a sig a few months ago and was blown away by it, I still use it on all my forums actually. So of course when I though of something that I needed I came to you guys for help ^^

For the basis of the sig here is the image that i would like you to use
In the sig use this photo and concentrate around where the lightning and explosion

here is an example of a sig like this

As for the colors I think either a blue like in the example or a silvery color, whatever looks good though im not too picky

For the text I want it to say iG in bold and then in smaller letters sort of behind the "iG" it to say Impulse Gaming

Thank you so much whoever does this request, I will appreciate it.


anyone? please? heh...

Sig Request

25 June 2006 - 12:36 PM

It looks like you guys have a lot of sig requests to handle but if you have the time I kinda need one :)

I used to have photoshop but I deleted it because my computer sucks and it took up too much space T_T

On my other forum I see sigs that I really like but they don't do requests ha, but I'll give some examples of the things I want


those are probably 2 of my favorite sigs ever ^^

I want something like them, that style with an asian girl :D and text say SiSanBa

thanks ^_^