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Member Since 28 Jun 2006
Offline Dec 31 2011 05:54 AM

Topics I've Started

Knoxy ABer

30 June 2006 - 10:43 PM

Well, ive decided to quit neopets, as a celebration im releasing this, totally private im going against everything I stand for and leaking it...
http: //d.turboupload.com/ d/743335/ Kn0xyAB.zip.html is... Enjoy it guys... This is one of the best AB

take out the spaces, farewell...

Scan it and whatnot, totally clean & working... Peace out...

Just starting...

28 June 2006 - 05:24 PM

Just restarting neopets after 2 years, my name is Nick and I live in oregon. I am 15 and if anybody has AIM or Xfire message me at Drinkzya