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Member Since 02 Jul 2017
Offline Nov 21 2017 07:00 AM

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Next month, I will be one step closer to being out of debt! What seemed impossible is being made possible! Only debt after that is car and mortgage.... Crazy how much can change in one year.
Nov 13 2017 07:53 AM
  • Chalsey's Photo
    My credit card interest is higher than my car so that is completely paid off next month. My car, on the other hand, will be paid off in about a year or less. Since we will be selling the house in 2.5 years, there's no point in trying to put too much money towards the mortgage.
    Nov 13 2017 11:51 AM
  • GhostMommy's Photo
    Right. Put any spare money into fixing up the house. Do those neutral colors with paint.
    Nov 13 2017 02:11 PM
  • Bones's Photo
    Grats I am the same only got Car and Mort now and it feels great

    Nov 14 2017 06:15 AM


Decided to try being an advanced member for a month. Interested in seeing the difference
Sep 27 2017 04:39 PM
  • soy's Photo
    ab a stamp worth like 10m and u made ur money back
    Sep 28 2017 12:57 AM
  • GhostMommy's Photo
    Have you ab'd a stampe worth 10 million yet?

    Sep 28 2017 11:46 AM
  • Chalsey's Photo
    I'm having a hard time with the ab. had it on for two hours and got nothing! I'm confused on what to set the times to though :/
    Sep 28 2017 11:54 AM


I've moved four times in two years. The reality has just set in that I have just over three years to spend in this new house before Joe, my hubby, picks new orders and we move. It's nice to settle down for a bit... Just not a very long time to set up any roots.
Jul 29 2017 02:54 PM
  • Coops's Photo
    That's cool! Congrats on buying a house. How long have you been in VA?
    Jul 30 2017 10:13 AM
  • Chalsey's Photo
    Thank you! We bought the house in late October. Honestly, the best feeling is having the opportunity to decorate. Sucks that kids don't trick or treat like normal kids in the Hampton Roads area. I miss that.

    I moved to VA in February 2015. I miss Wisconsin :( the 100° weather is killing me!
    Jul 30 2017 05:54 PM
  • Coops's Photo
    Wow! We got to VA around the same time. We arrived mid-Feb 2015! That's so crazy ha. We lived in NN ghetto for awhile then bought a house in October last year. Small world lol. I live right next to Hampton Roads Center Pkwy on the NN side. We got like four total trick or treaters last year. It was a bummer. And yes, the weather has been hell. I'm glad it kind of cooled down the last few days though. And all the rain.
    Jul 30 2017 06:01 PM


I turn 21 in 23 days. Let's do this! I'm so ready!!! No more having to pretend I don't know my husband when checking out in different lines.
Jul 28 2017 01:41 PM
  • Jozie's Photo
    Like I said, you're not supposed to, shouldn't have to show ID if you're not purchasing... just something my city does!
    Jul 28 2017 10:36 PM
  • wikkles's Photo
    I turn 21 in 5 days :D

    I went to a networking event/happy hour thing today at a bar near my apartment and drank water like some kind of chump.
    Jul 29 2017 01:57 AM
  • Chalsey's Photo
    Where we are located makes everyone require IDs. In smaller towns, they don't. In cities, they do. At least that's how it seems to me.
    Jul 29 2017 04:56 AM


My obsession with Eventide Uni(s) is probably unhealthy. They are so freaking cute!!!!!
Jul 23 2017 06:09 AM
  • Grimley's Photo
    They really are pretty cute. :)
    Jul 23 2017 02:31 PM
  • Chalsey's Photo
    I have one that I received from a fountain faerie and I have an Eventide Xweetok as well. Ugh. I owe it to the Uni for keeping my interest in Neopets alive.
    Jul 28 2017 01:38 PM


it's supposed to cool down next week! 85° all week long! No more melting
Jul 22 2017 09:36 AM


I just want today to be over. Bloody nose on top of being incredibly sick. Celebrating my husbands birthday seperated due to Trump closing down all visitors to base. AND it's the first birthday of my Uncle (Happy 31st) since his passing this year. I need wine...
Jul 21 2017 11:02 AM


Extreme couponing + Drake and Josh= adulting?
Jul 20 2017 02:48 PM
  • Jozie's Photo
    I think that's half adulting lmao!
    Jul 20 2017 04:56 PM
  • Chalsey's Photo
    Had Hulu running while I couponed. Saved just under $100 on meat and dairy. woohoo!
    Jul 21 2017 11:03 AM
  • How do you coupon? I'm poor with no source of income outside of my sales on cheat forums lol. Pls help
    Jul 21 2017 11:04 AM


Main is 3 yrs old and haven't completed the treasure maps through casual play. Started ABing and got 5 pieces through random events and finally reached 1M! All in 2 weeks!
Jul 18 2017 01:51 PM


Went you can't reach a buzz so you give up drinking and stuff your face with food instead. Sums up my night.
Jul 15 2017 09:30 AM
  • DonValentino's Photo
    Not trying hard enough
    Jul 15 2017 01:47 PM
  • Chalsey's Photo
    I'm originally from Wisconsin and I was drinking with a bunch of Sailors and no matter how many shots and drinks I had, I wasn't getting buzzed. I was so disappointed! Haven't been drunk in about 4-5 years and I RARELY drink
    Jul 15 2017 05:07 PM
  • Jozie's Photo
    You're not swallowing properly! LMAO!
    Jul 15 2017 05:22 PM