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Member Since 03 Sep 2006
Offline Sep 10 2006 06:46 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

05 September 2006 - 08:11 PM

Hello everyone. I'd best fill in the details so no one thinks this is a scam, cause everyone these days thinks everything is a scam. It's no lie, I'm quitting neopets. My sister told me that I am addicted, and I realized that I'm a Sr. in High School, and I'm taking college classes, so I need to be focused on something besides neopets. However, the problem is, I owe one of my friends some neopoints. So, what I've decided to do is to sell my account for neopoints to pay back my friends, and then I'm through with neopets for good. If you want to check out the account, the username is aeonfluxjinx. I've earned some trophies, 2 of which are active and will give you neopoints everyday for the rest of the month, unless someone beats my score of course. However, one is a gold and one a bronze. But once TNT checks my scores and accepts them, I will have 4 current gold trophies, which is 3,000 NP a day. Anyways, moving on. Take a look at it, I've sold most everything to pay back my friend. The only things that are left in it are the things I've used in the battledome, cause when I pass this account onto someone else, I want them to as good in battle as me, cause I like to do battles a lot and it's mostly the only reason I play neopets. So my stronger pet, UndeadSoulReaper, will have a Scroll of Dark Nova, Scarab Ring, Turbo Flame Reflector, and a Leaf Shield. Which are all good defense and attack items, and worth some K. However, my other pet has no items equipped. Other than my pets, there aren't many items and no NP in this account. However, I have kept track, and I've spent nearly 2 mil building the house, getting the stamps, training pets, building shop and gallery, and so on. Lastly, one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made is that I signed up for a years subscription to Neopets Premium, and I'm only a month into the subscription. So, if you buy this account, I have told you exactly what you are getting, and something that makes this account worth a lot of NP is the fact that it still has 11 months of Neopets Premium left. You can check out the account, and if you don't believe me that I have Neopets Premium, look at my Status on my user lookup, cause it is set to STEALTH! and you can only have that if you're a premium member. smile.gif YAY FOR PREMIUM! Anyways, all I want in exchange for this account is 200K (200,000) because that's all I need to pay my friend back. After that, I will be free of that devilish site. So, if you are interested in buying this account, e-mail me at [email protected], but ONLY if you are serious about buying this account. If we come to an aggreement, I will only send you the password AFTER you've payed my the NP. And trust me, you won't get shafted. Cause for one thing, if you do, you can just send this message to neopets and get me frozen if I was trying to scam with this. Secondly, my sister knows my password, and she wants me to stop playing neopets, so if I don't give you the password after you pay me, e-mail her at [email protected], and she will gladly give it to you. Please don't think this is a scam, I am just a desperate person trying to pay back a friend, and a stupid Sr. still playing neopets that is trying to break free of it. But trust my, 11 months of Neopets Premium is worth 200K (200,000). Well, please let me know ASAP! I know this sounds like a scam, but I really am not scamming, I just have other things in my life I need to be more focused on, and I've described accurately what the account has, and even though it doesn't sound like much, is really is a good account.

In Topic: My First PHP Modification

03 September 2006 - 05:53 PM

QUOTE(Zulfi @ Sep 3 2006, 02:16 PM) View Post

It sure does. smile.gif Go try it out for yourself.

Well, the problem is, I HAVE tried using the stuff, and none of it will work for me. It just gives me an error any time I try to use any of it. If someone can help me, I'd love it

In Topic: My First PHP Modification

03 September 2006 - 01:13 PM

Does the stuff on this site really work? I'm just wondering, cause I've looked at tons of sites like this, and I've never found anything good. So, I hope this is a better site, which I'm sure it is smile.gif