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Member Since 10 Nov 2006
Offline Feb 06 2007 11:33 AM

Topics I've Started

My Bro's 'Random' Videos...

28 November 2006 - 05:47 PM

Now then, I'd like to assure everyone that this video series does not contain anything 'bad'. No obscene stuff or extreme violence, and no swearing to my knowledge (and I've watched them all plenty enough to know).

The videos were made by my little brother, who is into video editing. They were made purely for the entertainment of he and his buds, however I would like to know what others think.

The Random Retarded Video

There are 4 videos in the series so far (just use the More From This User option to the right to get the others). If you decide to watch them, then please answer the following questions for each video you watched.

~How funny would you rate the video you watched out of 10?
~How well would you say the choice of sound effects and music are?
~Any moments you found particularly funny?
~Any moments you think maybe should've been cut?
~Any suggestions/ideas you'd like passed on to the creator or 'actors'?

Please Note:

Each video is rather different from the others, both in how it is played out and the content. If you do honestly have the time, please watch all 4 videos; they're not long. Many people who didn't like, say, the first video, found the 3rd video funny.

I also make a very slim/nearly impossible to notice appearance in the second video. In the first bits I can sometimes barely be seen in the back of the view (in my baggy blue jeans and white shirt), I'm the only one person who isn't ever really in focus. For the majority of the video I did the camera work; though I was not credited cause my bro was being a jerk. I can actually be heard laughing for a moment when the others are getting sprayed (my laugh is much louder than the other voices).

Just random facts I thought I'd include for the heck of it.

Please be gentle with your comments. These vids are my brother's afterall, and weren't meant to entertain the general population; I just posted them incase you might like them.

Hopefully you'll enjoy them to some degree! thumbsup.gif

Need serious plot help

16 November 2006 - 08:37 AM

Ok, so I'm stuck on this Sophie's lab bit. I am REALLY bad at math of any kind, so I am really not doing well at making things past the first part. Before anyone asks, yes I have looked at all the worthwhile guides around. I really just need someone to do the math for me because I can't do it. (And if you need an explaination as to why I find math so hard, I'll be forced to recall that very long story).

Just, someone help please!

Forum Subscriptions Function Messed Up

13 November 2006 - 04:27 PM

I have 2 subscriptions going currently, but they don't show up in the subscription area of My Controls. Thus, I am now receiving unwanted emails.


10 November 2006 - 04:41 AM

Hello there everyone, I'm new; but I guess you know that already.

I'm looking forward to trying to join this community, since it seems to be a nice place, and I love forums. A few things about myself:

I recently left Gaia Online because I was hacked for the third freakin' time. I had a lot of nice stuff, which I got legitimately, and I just kinda got sick of doing it over and over because some meat couldn't post a couple coherent things. And the staff never did anything about it of course. Mind you, I don't always do things legitimately. In a nutshell, I'm looking for a new forum community.

I found a link to this place in some msn group while I was searching for actual neopets cheats, but of course only found n00b scams. I really, really hate neopets scammers; they must have one sad excuse for a life if they feel they must go around scamming 10 year olds out of imaginary money. I'm not really against cheating of course, because neopets is a game, and all games (especially online games) have cheaters.

And while I'm thinking of it, do the programs offered here actually go undetected by neopets staff? Because I know they go nuts icing people sometimes, so, have a great number of people been caught using the programs and been iced?

Thats it for now, I hope I'll be welcome here. I know it'll be a bit difficult be noticed in such a large community, but I'll be tryin'.

PS - If we're not allowed to swear, please tell me; I didn't see it in the "New members look here" thread, but I don't want to re-offend if thats the case.