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Member Since 26 Dec 2006
Offline Feb 24 2008 01:31 AM

Topics I've Started

I have a neopoint generator

16 August 2007 - 07:50 AM

Hi, you might eventually recognize me, and my lack of activity lately.

Well, I stopped playing neopets years ago, and I left this community.
However, I did - because of maplestory - join GamingGutter (no advertisment here, it's just a part of the story) on which site I got rather popular rather quickly for making php based neo programs for those people who did still play (an account generator, and an authentic fake login page). Anyway. This guy chatted me up in AIM, asking me if I wanted to join in making an NP generator. Well, and that's what we did.

I worked out some classes this morning and yesterday evening and it is now fully functional.

However, it currently only submits score to one game, and you have to change the php source to change the game, and account.
This is because it is not done. It has the ability to fake playing the flash game, and sending a fake score, but it is not done.

We lack the following thing:
A list of permanent (not sponsors who disappear a month later) flash games.


That is a list of 168 flash games, if you multiply that by 1000 and then by 3, it will generate about 500k NP per account per day.

However, I believe that this list is not complete, and I need your help on this one:
we need a list of games that are, in fact, not included in the list above. Now this could be a game that simply lacks a highscore table, or a jelly game or whatever.

We would be glad if you could help us on this one.

What we are going to do with the finished generator has not been decided yet, but it will not be aviable to the general public (that'd be madness!)

Thanks for your help.

Also, if you need proof, then send out a mod/admin to PM me, and I will give proof.

Careful, everyone!

17 June 2007 - 04:59 AM

My account was just emptied, and I think it was one of the tools I downloaded here or on GamingGutter. So be careful. It was either GG or NeoCodex, cause that's the only communities I download neotools from.

In class

05 January 2007 - 05:25 PM

guy with blonde hair and a red sweater

02 January 2007 - 11:25 AM

his name is joe.

angry guy in a santa suit

30 December 2006 - 12:25 PM
